Where does KRAN work?
KRAN has hubs in in Canterbury and Folkestone, but we work with young people from all over Kent.
Who exactly does KRAN support?
KRAN works with separated young refugee and asylum seekers also know as UASC’s (unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee minors). These are young people aged 16 to 24 who have arrived in Kent alone and are claiming asylum. Around 80% of the young people we work with are boys.
How do young people find KRAN?
Most of our referrals come via Social Services; all UASC are in the Care of Social Services, but we also take self-referrals for our drop in and casework projects.
How long do young asylum seekers wait to get status?
The process of claiming asylum is different for everyone depending on if they are under of over 18 years of age. Some young people we work with have waited more than a year, and KRAN is supporting them during this a very stressful time.
What issues do young refugees and asylum seekers face?
KRAN is working to address a huge range of issues faced by young asylum seekers, including a lack of access to education, stress and anxiety around their asylum claim, difficulty accessing benefits and the jobs market, and isolation from the community. For more information about all our work visit our project pages.
Where do young asylum seekers live?
Whilst they are in the care of Kent Social Services young unaccompanied asylum seekers are placed in independent accommodation in the community, or with foster families.
How do I refer a young person to the education projects?
We only take referrals for the education projects from social workers.
What do mentors do?
Mentors are volunteers matched with a young person and meet up once a week on a one to one basis. What they do depends on what the young person has requested, but activities could include helping with homework, showing them around the local area or helping them develop their English.
What countries are KRAN young people from?
KRAN works with young people from all over the world. At the moment the majority of our young people are from Afghanistan and Eritrea, but we are also working with young people from Iraq, Iraq, Albania, Vietnam, Sudan and many other countries.
What does KRAN teach?
Many of the young people KRAN works with have never been to school, or have had their education interrupted by upheaval in their home countries. We help them to access mainstream education in the UK, by helping them improve their English. We also teach them life skills and numeracy to help them live independently and British culture and values to help them understand their new community.
Does KRAN run extra-curricular activities?
Yes. Our young people are a talented bunch, and we have helped many to join local cricket and football teams and running groups. We also work with organisations and volunteers to provide a range of drop in and extra curricular activities including drama, music and art.
How does KRAN involve the local community in our work?
All of our work is supported by our dedicated local volunteers. We also encourage our young people to participate in community events and trips to help them get to know the local area.
Who can young refugees and asylum seekers contact for help?
Our caseworker is on hand to help with a huge range of issues including housing, benefits, asylum claims and more.
I would like to volunteer with KRAN… what should I do?
Great! We always welcome new volunteers to help with all of our projects. Please see our Get Involved/Volunteer page for more details.
What other organisations does KRAN work with?
KRAN believes in using a multi-agency approach to help the young people we work with. We work very closely with Social Services and other organisations such as the Red Cross, Refugee Council, Refugees@Home and other local charities.
Partnership projects in the past year have included work in collaboration with Rising Sun, East Kent College, Creative Minds and the Gulbenkian Theatre.
Do KRAN young people get to know other local teenagers and young adults?
Yes. Our young people love opportunities to meet people their own age. Our awareness raising and outreach provides training for school and college students around refugee issues and then provides a series of activities to help young refugees and asylum seekers meet their peers. If your school or college would like to be involved in this scheme please contact